Thursday, June 24, 2010


Welcome to blogging, everyone! I used this site in a community service class and a creative writing class during the spring and winter sessions at WSU.
It's easy. You can create a post by selecting "new post." You can also comment on the posts of your classmates, as well. Have fun!
Dawn Wilson

1 comment:

  1. Hello fellow writers! This is my first time blogging!! I hit "comment" on Dawn's blog to do this. Is that right? Or do I somehow enter my own blog?

    I'm still not quite sure if we're supposed to write about just one author and some of her/his work, or pick a different author each time we blog. I'm planning on writing about Virginia Hamilton, at least for my first real blog. I've read some of her books but it's been awhile, and I want to read some more before I write about her.

    I'm not ready to do my official blog yet, but just wanted to get my feet wet right now. This should be fun. Thanks for setting this up, Dawn!

